Dispensational Thoughts from Dr. Watts

As I was preparing for the study on Ezekiel 40-48, I couldn't help but think of the words of the hymn "Jesus Shall Reign." The phrase "His Name like sweet perfume shall rise with every morning sacrifice" alludes to the sacrifices described by Ezekiel. It has been said that Dr. Watts was a dispensationalist; that appellation may be a bit anachronistic, but he most definitely held to a premillennial theology of the Kingdom of God (the Millennium), and to that I say a hearty amen!

Jesus Shall Reign
Isaac Watts

Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Does his successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more.

Behold the islands with their kings,
And Europe her best tribute brings;
From north to south the princes meet,
To pay their homage at His feet.

To Him shall endless prayer be made,
And praises throng to crown His head;
His Name like sweet perfume shall rise
With every morning sacrifice.

People and realms of every tongue
Dwell on His love with sweetest song;
And infant voices shall proclaim
Their early blessings on His Name.

Where He displays His healing power,
Death and the curse are known no more:
In Him the tribes of Adam boast
More blessings than their father lost.

Great God, whose universal sway
The known and unknown worlds obey,
Now give the kingdom to Thy Son,
Extend His power, exalt His throne.

The scepter well becomes His hands;
All Heav’n submits to His commands;
His justice shall avenge the poor,
And pride and rage prevail no more.
