I was reminded of a lecture I heard in college about Ezekiel 4. The teacher related the story of God telling Ezekiel to lie on his left side for 390 days, symbolizing the years that Israel would be in captivity. He was to do this to "bear the iniquity of the people." In a similar way, a missionary (or any servant of God) must endure the effects of people's sin in order to minister to them.
If you think about it, many of the difficulties of life are caused by sinful people and their sinfulness. For example, the Goldfusses have experienced many difficulties building their house because people have been dishonest, overcharged them, or not done the work they were paid for. The threat of crime is always in mind, prices are raised because of greed and selfishness, and corruption makes doing any official business a long and arduous task.
All of this makes me look forward to the day when Jesus Christ will rule with a rod of iron and righteousness will cover the earth (Isa 61:11). During the Kingdom, these difficulties will be removed. Bearing the iniquity of the people makes it all the easier to pray, "Thy Kingdom come!"