Until Death Separates Us

As you can tell from the title of this post (if you didn't know already), I'm not much one for traditional wording. I greatly favor clarity over high-sounding phrases that have become virtually meaningless. I remember the first time I realized that "until death do us part" actually was a convoluted way of saying "until death separates us." I don't want to change things just for change's sake (ask my wife if I ever like to change!!), but sometimes we repeat phrases so much they become almost meaningless. "Translating" them into everyday parlance makes them come alive sometimes. I'm stepping off that soapbox now. . . .

This morning, Pastor Hamilton was preaching from Genesis 2:18-25 about "The Perfect Couple." Furthermore, my wife and I recently celebrated our third wedding anniversary. This all had me thinking about God's pattern for marriage. Though much maligned in society, God's perfect pattern for marriage is one man united to one woman for life.

  • The pattern was established by God at creation (Gen 2:24). God brought the woman to the man and ordained monogamous, heterosexual marriage as the cornerstone of society.

  • This same pattern was validated by Jesus Christ. In answer to a trick question, he made it clear that God ordained marriage to be between one man and one woman, united for life (Matt 19:3–6; Mark 10:6–9).

  • This pattern is applied by Paul to Jesus Christ’s relationship to his Bride, the Church. The relationship is spoken of in terms of a husband and wife (Eph 5:22–33). In fact, Genesis 2:24, the statement of God’s purpose for joining husband and wife in marriage, is quoted and applied to the relationship between Christ and the Church (Eph 5:31–32).

God’s formula of one man and one woman, given in the Garden of Eden, reiterated by Jesus Christ, and applied by Paul to Christ and the Church, remains God’s expectation of every human being he has created.
